Friday, December 23, 2016

Streaks, stipples, and spots. Part 2.

                                 Sunny Caldwell seedling .5 (point five)

                                        Clown Pants (Steve Todd)

     I wanted to continue my streaks, stipples, and spots segment with more tetraploid advancements in this category.  Over the past year I have witnessed in person and seen on Facebook many new very cool daylilies with this look.  I am looking forward to the future of these types of daylilies and hope to be fortunate enough to create a few of them as well.  Here are some advancements from around the country:

 Sunny Caldwell seedling .5 (point five) It sometimes has two different colored blooms from the same plant.  Amazing!  Thanks Sunny for sharing these pics!

                       Clown Pants (Steve Todd)  Awesome daylily Steve!

                         William Marchant seedling. What a unique look!

                  Chad Bush seedling. Unbelievable. What an advancement!

                                Chad Bush seedling (speckles and teeth!)

                               Chad Bush seedling. Fantastic Chad!

    Wacky Wednesday (Elaine Seifert) photo courtesy of Elaine Seifert. Very nice!

          Wacky Wednesday (Elaine Seifert) photo courtesy of Dave Mussar.

                     Pretender (Bryant) (photo courtesy of Elaine Seifert)

            Augies Unique Beauty (Krupien) photo courtesy of Paul K. Lewis

                     Alien DNA seedling (photo courtesy of Vic Santa Lucia)

       Undefinable (Nicole DeVito) photo taken by Paul K. Lewis in his garden.

There have been some really cool advancements in the world of dots on daylilies as well.  Take a look at these pictures from Dave Mussar of Canada of some of his intros.  Fantastic Dave!

                                        Dots Galore (Dave Mussar)

                                 Spots Before my Eyes (Dave Mussar)

                                    Spots and Stripes (Dave Mussar)

Special thanks again to all of the hybridizers for sharing
 their photos.  All pictures are the property of each person and reproduction without prior consent is prohibited.  Hope you enjoyed these segments.  Here's wishing everyone has had a nice holiday season and good new year.  I've got some good segments lined up for 2017, so stay tuned.  

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Streaks, Stipples, and Spots (Part 1) Tetraploids

                Tetraploid Pink Stripes (Waldrop/Derrow)photo by Paul K. Lewis

              Explosion in the Paint Factory (Rich Howard)photo by Paul K. Lewis

      Continuing with my segment about streaked, stippled, and spotted daylilies, I wanted to show the tetraploid advancements in this category.  Some years back my friend, Bill Waldrop from Georgia did a conversion on Pink Stripes. He sent me back a fan of it last year.  Also a recent breakthrough by Rich Howard came when he introduced Explosion in the Paint Factory.  I believe Tet. Pink Stripes and Explosion in the Paint Factory will be instrumental in advancing the look of these types of daylilies.  Recent introductions from Chad Bush are starting to make break throughs there as well. Below are photos of daylilies that have this kind of look.  Enjoy the picture show:

      Master Sergeant Kenneth Lane (Bill Waldrop 2017 intro) out of Tet. Pink Stripes

      Stuart Kendig seedling (Strawberry Milkyway X Explosion in the Paint Factory)

  Stuart Kendig seedling #2 (Strawberry Milkyway X Explosion in the Paint Factory)

       Paintball Party (Angie Ridder) out of Explosion in the Paint Factory.

                                   Paintball Party (Angie Ridder)

    Explosion in the Paint Factory selfed. (Photo courtesy of Rich Howard)

                                       Bill Waldrop seedling 6-49.

     Master Segeant Kenneth Lane X Tet. Yankee Pintripes (Waldrop/Howard)

    Long Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away (Chad Bush) photo by Paul K. Lewis

                  Long Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away seedling (Chad Bush)

I'd like to thank all the hybridizers for their photos.  Remember these photos are the property of each hybridizer and use without prior consent is prohibited.  There are some really exciting advances going on with daylilies and these are just the tip of the iceberg. Stay tuned for part 2 on this series where I will show you some really cool photos of some new intros and seedlings in this category.


Friday, December 2, 2016

Pink Stripes....where it all started.

               Pink Stripes (Mike Derrow 2006) Photo courtesy of Bill Waldrop

     Back in 2006, Mike Derrow introduced one of the first striped daylilies, Pink Stripes. I think I bought Pink Stripes from Mike in 2007.  It clumped up fairly fast and I thought to myself that wouldn't it be nice to have this daylily converted and used with tetraploids?!  Of course I am not skilled in the art of converting dips, so I sent a generous amount to my friend, Bill Waldrop in Georgia to be converted.  Just last year I got a converted fan back and have begun using Tet. Pink Stripes in my program this year.
 I wanted to see how many folks had gotten striped seedlings from using Pink Stripes, so I posted a thread on Facebook, and was blown away by how many people have seedlings and introductions from Pink Stripes.  Below you will see the many seedlings and intros from Pink Stripes:

            Mike Derrow seedling (Pink Stripes X Carnelian Chamelion) Wow!

                 Anna Carlson Pink Stripes seedling. Lovely seedling Anna!

          Cherry Stripes (Dave Mussar) A very fine introduction out of Pink Stripes.

                      Loretta Zink seedling (Pink Stripes X Lovely Margie)

                       Loretta Zink seedling (Pink Stripes X Lovely Margie)

                            Loretta Zink seedling (Pink Stripes X Unknown)

                          Loretta Zink seedling (Pitter Patter X Pink Stripes)

                  Loretta Zink seedling (Pink Stripes X Kaliedoscope Intrigue)

                        Loretta Zink seedling (Old Termite X Pink Stripes)
             Yankee Pinstripes (Rich Howard) Photo courtesy of Theresa Roth.

                              David Robinson Pink Stripes seedling.

       Jamaican Jammin X Pink Stripes (Photo courtesy of Nina Algers Waters)

              Dappled Dynamo (Mike Derrow introduction out of Pink Stripes)

All above photos are the property of each individual and use without prior consent is prohibited.  I'd like to thank all the above hybridizers for submitting their photos.  Special thanks goes to Mike Derrow for his wonderful creation of Pink Stripes, which I'm sure will open more doors in the years to come to the wonderful world of stripes in daylilies.  Mike hybridizes in Moundsville, West Virginia and here is a link to his website:   In the weeks to come I will be doing two more segments on Stripes, stipples, spots, and dots in daylilies, so stay tuned.  This seemed like the best way to kick this off.  Hope you enjoyed it.  

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