Sunday, March 11, 2012

Stan Holley's daylily, "Oklahoma Sand Burr" and my toothy Mort Morss seedling.

     Feels like spring out today!!!  Temps in the 60's and sunny!!  Nice for March in northeastern Ohio. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend! So, today's blog entry takes us back to toothy daylilies and one that has been a standout lately is Oklahoma Sand Burr from Stan Holley of California.  First of all, let me say that dealing with the Holley's over the past couple of years to purchase daylilies has been a very pleasant experience.  They sell a lot of their introductions on the lily auction and always send very healthy plants.  I think I first saw Stan's daylily Oklahoma Sand Burr at Dan Trimmer's place.  The thing I remember was it looked exactly like the photograph in the Holley's catalog.  A lot of times we daylily people have to buy daylilies without seeing them in person, buying a daylily based on a picture alone doesn't always work out, so it is refreshing when someone has a daylily that looks exactly like the photograph.  Oklahoma Sand Burr is a dark purple flower with some very nice teeth, both on the petals and sepals.  The photograph above was taken in my garden last year.  The cross that produced Oklahoma Sand Burr was (Mary Lena X Robes for the Queen).  The plant I got of Oklahoma Sand Burr arrived this spring and it bloomed and set a few pods for me in it's first year.  Fertile both ways, and I seem to remember Bonnie Holley saying it's putting teeth on all it's seedlings. 
     The other daylily I thought I would highlight was a toothy seedling of mine.  The cross that produced this seedling is Pirate King X Mort Morss.  I think the thing I love about the seedling is that blue eye and how nicely it contrasts with the purple in the flower.  It has some nice teeth, but on some mornings it does seem to water spot.  All pictures below are of this new seedling.  I'm going to keep watching it to see how it does in the next year.  A little on the fence as to whether I will introduce it, but it's got some good features.  Anyway, hope you enjoy these flowers as each day we get closer to when we can actually see blooms out in the yard.  I know my southern friends are already enjoying greenhouse blooms. 

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