Sunday, May 13, 2012

New daylily seedling

     Well, the weather here in Ohio has been gradually getting better and it's been a real busy week juggling my two jobs and trying to weed the garden.  Anyway, I received an email from my friend Bill Waldrop with a photo of a daylily seedling out of my 2012 introduction A.D. Lewis.  A photo of A.D. Lewis is featured at the top of the page.  I know to most it just looks like another tall dark red daylily, but I assure you when you see it in person it does tend to catch your eye as you look across the garden.  Bill's photo of the seedling is featured at the bottom of the page.  I like how A.D. Lewis passed on it's dark red color to the seedling.  It will be exciting to see the daylily in person someday at Bill Waldrop's
place.  Nice work Bill!

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