Thursday, April 11, 2024

Daylily hybridizing for beginners


I put together a group of videos to help beginning daylily hybridizers and enthusiasts learn how to hybridize.  My videos are not professional and some of my terms may be incorrect, but it shows the basics of how to hybridize and then the process I follow after that.  I hope this helps folks.  Good luck.

Well, there you have it.  I hope this helps folks who are just starting out.  If you have more questions, I would recommend you joining one of the many daylily Facebook groups.  The one I enjoy the most is called Everything Daylily, but there are so many to choose from and a lot of veteran hybridizers who will happily share information.  A little disclaimer here:  This is the way that I hybridize and plant in Northeast Ohio.  Your results may vary in different parts of the country and in different climates.  This will be my last post of the season till the Fall.  Happy gardening!

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