Azure Ocean Dreams (Chad Bush 2021) |
Disgruntled Pelican (Chad Bush 2024) |
Over the years I have always enjoyed seeing what daylilies are being introduced on Charlotte's Daylily Diary on the Hybridizer's corner part of the website. I began to take notice of Chad Bush's program from Alma, Michigan some years back. He was breeding toothy daylilies and was one of the first hybridizers that had a speckled program as well. I think some of my earlier purchases from Chad Bush included Long Ago in a Galaxy Far Away and his Mom's Kind Heart. His Mom's Kind Heart REALLY blew me away with these lovely red toothy flowers on top of tall scapes. I also appreciated that Chad and I had similar interests in music and movies. Chad has always been nice to me when I would inquire about new seedlings and purchasing his intros. I've been wanting to do an interview with him for some time and finally I get the chance. With nothing further, here is Chad Bush's interview:
Chad Bush |
I was born and currently live in Alma, Michigan. (Zone 5b) I went to school in Ithaca, Michigan and spent a year abroad living near Melbourne, Australia as an exchange student. I also graduated from Central Michigan University with a teaching degree (Science, Social Studies and Art emphasis). I currently teach 6th grade science in Clare, Michigan. I have two boys, Bailey 23 and Tyler 20, that are both attending the University of Michigan or have graduated from there. My passion for plants started at a young age from being around my great grandparents that had a passion for growing plants and gardening. That passion continued helping my mom in the garden and around the yard growing up.
Chad Bush with his mom, Betty Bush and Patti Hirn |
1. How did you first get interested in daylilies and daylily hybridizing?
Chad: The daylily addiction was accidental by purchasing a few daylilies twenty some years ago from the daylily side of B&D lilies out in Washington. I wanted to see if I could make some new plants with what I had purchased and made my first seed crosses from those plants. After finding the Lily Auction and purchasing some seeds there years later was what really accelerated my interest.
2. Which hybridizer first introduced you to daylily hybridizing?
Chad: There wasn't really one hybridizer so much as multiple northern hybridizers at the same time. I got my biggest influence from Tom Polston and Jamie Gossard when I started.
3. What were your first goals in daylily hybridizing?
Chad: My first goal was creating northern hardy plants with clean colors, crazy patterns, eyes and edges. Also toothy edges followed by spots. Currently my goals are more fluid and the blooms each season tend to drive my goals. If it is a look that pops up I find interesting, I will pursue it further. So let the flowers drive my goals.
4. What were some of the challenges you have faced in daylily hybridizing?
Chad: The biggest initial challenge was acquiring hardy plants to work with. The current challenge would be the wait time to get blooms followed by the work involved planting all the seedlings I want to grow each year.
5. How many seedlings do you grow each year?
Chad: I currently try to get around 5000+ seedlings in the ground each year.
Chad Bush next to his namesake daylily. |
6. What are some of your favorite introductions from other hybridizers?
Chad: Some of my favorite intros from other hybridizers....hands down my first pick would be Undefinable from Nicole DeVito, followed by the recent introduction, Chad Bush from John Kulpa. Also Wild Hair (Polston) and Lady Stephanie Victoria Redding (Polston). Also Bass Gibson from John Rice and one of the greats that lead to so many toothy edges, Forestlake Ragamuffin from Fran Harding.
Mom's Kind Heart (Bush) Photo by Steve Todd |
7. What are some of your favorite introductions?
Chad: Favorites of mine: Betty Bush (Bush), Azure Ocean Dreams (Bush), Tiger Shark Twist (Bush), Los Cabos Sunrise (Bush), Princess Leia (Bush), Isla Mujeres (Bush). I tend to like them all hence being intros of mine.
8. What are some of your favorite gardens to visit
Chad: Favorite gardens to visit? That is a tough one since there are so many I have not been to. Of the ones I have visited I would say Tom Polston/ Doug Sterling's Pleasant Valley Gardens, Bob Faulkner's place and of course John Kulpa's even though the daylilies are very few these days.
Mort Morss, David Kirchhoff and Chad Bush |
9. What are some of your favorite memories associated with daylily hybridizing and the people you have met?
Chad: Favorite memories have been of the speaking engagements, meeting everyone from all over the USA, summer garden tours, Shirley Farmer fall meetings and winter regional meetings.
Chad Bush speaking at Lilyhemmer |
10. What is some of the best advice your received from someone involved with daylily hybridizing?
Chad: This possibly came from Bob Faulkner. It was to hybridize for looks that interest and drive you, not what you think someone else may or may not like.
Ew! David! (Chad Bush 24) |
King William (Chad Bush 24) |
Colorful Chaos Pretty in Pink (Chad Bush 24) |
Ahsoka (Chad Bush 24) |
Andromeda Galaxy (Chad Bush 23) |
Australian Sunset (Chad Bush 23) |
Crikey (Chad Bush 23) |
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Chad Bush 23) |
Isla Mujeres (Chad Bush 21) |
Tiger Shark Twist (Chad Bush 19) |
Los Cabos Sunrise (Chad Bush 19) |
Chad Bush with his sons, Bailey and Tyler |
Chad Bush also hybridizes hardy hibiscus. |
What a lovely collection of both introductions and seedlings. Thanks Chad for taking the time to answer my questions and provide me with all the information I needed to complete this interview. You can find Chad Bush's website at All the above pictures are the property of Chad Bush and use without prior consent is prohibited. I really enjoyed that interview. So, how can I follow that up? Going to be tough. I have an idea, but it will be a surprise. Stay tuned.