Tuesday, April 23, 2019

A tribute to Guiru Zhang

                                             Our friend, Guiru Zhang

Free China (Guiru Zhang 2016 introduction) Named after the documentary, "Free China, the courage to believe." (http://freechina.ntdtz.org/helpfreechina/)

I was very sad to learn that my friend, Guiru Zhang had passed away on Easter.  As with many of my daylily friends, I first got to know Guiru on Facebook.  I have never met Guiru in person, but he was always very kind to me when I corresponded with him about daylilies.  Guiru lived down in Mason, Ohio.  I'm not sure how long he had been daylily hybridizing, but he has a very impressive toothy program, not to mention some other things he was working on as well, including patterns and green throated daylilies.  I wanted to gather up some of his seedling photos to share them with you all here.  Here are some of Guiru's seedlings and introductions:
                                            Guiru Zhang seedling

 Guiru Zhang seedling. I like how the tree frog appears to be kissing the pollen in this picture.

                                                Guiru Zhang seedling

                                              Guiru Zhang seedling

                                            Guiru Zhang seedling

                                 Guiru Zhang seedling he called, "best red"

                                                Guiru Zhang seedling

                                              Guiru Zhang seedling

                                              Guiru Zhang seedling

                                            Guiru Zhang seedling

                                              Guiru Zhang seedling

                                        Guiru Zhang seedling 007-16

                                                Guiru Zhang seedling

                                               Guiru Zhang seedling

                                              Guiru Zhang seedling

                                               Guiru Zhang seedling

                             Guiru Zhang seedling (Photo by David DeKort)

                          Priceless Liberty (Guiru Zhang 2018 introduction)

           Sound Tracks (Guiru Zhang 2016 introduction) Photo by Chris Furlow

Guiru Zhang and his mother. 
Guiru Zhang had a total of 9 daylily introductions including, Divine Land Mulan, Fancy Core, Floating on a Cloud, Free China, Fresh Summer, Priceless Liberty, Rising from the ashes, Sound Tracks, and The Emperors New Clothes.  On his Facebook page Guiru wrote as his tagline, " A giver, a creative scientist, and an avid gardener who cultivates a garden in his heart."  

Monday, April 15, 2019

Green throated daylilies

                                       Guy Pierce seedling (Awesome!)

Servant of Peace (Grace) Photo by Jacob Henry. This is an incredible photograph. Thanks Jacob!

Green throated daylilies have really taken some big steps forward since the introduction of Rose F. Kennedy (Doorakian). Both Guy Pierce, Jamie Gossard, Larry Grace, and Dan Trimmer all had conversions of Rose F. Kennedy and have introduced some outstanding tetraploids using it.  There are some fabulous introductions, both diploid and tetraploid and I wanted to share some here today:

                                   Peter Donato seedling P48-15 (Wow!)

                                          Green is Good (Rich Howard)

                          Green Icon (Doorakian) Photo by Huguette Daoust

                        Green Sea (John Shooter) Photo by David Robinson

                Guy Pierce seedling (Photo property of Guy and Karen Pierce)

                                Guy Pierce seedling (Photo by Jacob Henry)

                                 Cheryl Otto seedling (Very unique petals!)

                          Green Scream (Guy Pierce) Photo by Betty Jacobs

                   Heavenly Pink Lady (Jamie Gossard) Photo by Betty Jacobs

                         Lady of Shalot (Steve Todd) Photo by Betty Jacobs

                       Pirate Queen (Norman Hughes) Photo by Betty Jacobs

                        Ruby Starburst (Dan Trimmer) Photo by Betty Jacobs

                       Star of Kryptonite (Tom Polston) Photo by Betty Jacobs

                                          Green Volcano (Guy Pierce)

                               Green Volcano (Guy Pierce) Love this one!

                                            Arno's Bow Tie (Phil Korth)

                          Thunder Glow (Guy Pierce) Photo by Mary Baker

What a collection!  I can see several that I want. I am sure there are some that I left out, but it wasn't on purpose. Special thanks goes to Betty Jacobs for all her photos.  Thank Betty.  Also to Guy and Karen Pierce for sharing their seedling photographs.  Well, I have begun my digging and shipping season.  Each weekend I dig and ship about 7 boxes of daylilies for about 4 straight weekends.  Lots of fun.   I do enjoy the sharing aspect of daylilies.  Not sure what my next segment will be.  It will be a surprise.



Monday, April 8, 2019

Applique daylilies from last summer.

                         Clyde Grammon seedling he calls, "Copper Butterfly"

Clyde Grammon seedling that won the Region 13 Clarence Crochet best seedling award in 2018.

Applique seedlings and introductions continue to evolve, giving us larger appliques, broken appliques, and the beginning of appliques with patterns in the eyes.  In my humble opinion, Clyde Grammon of Louisiana has really taken the lead with his applique program.  Some of the most gorgeous, eye catching appliques I have seen.  Clyde has a Facebook page called "Everyday Acres," where he sells his introductions and you can see some of his lovely seedlings.  Here's a few more:

                  Clyde Grammon seedling (Harlequin X Stenciled Perfection)

                                             Clyde Grammon seedling

                            Clyde Grammon seedling he calls, "Chameleon."

 Clyde Grammon seedling (Harlequin X Seedling) Notice how there is a pattern showing in the eye.

                             Clyde Grammon seedling (Harlequin Seedling)

          Clyde Grammon seedling (Harlequin Seedling) sib to the one above

            Clyde Grammon seedling (Appliques in different colors! Gorgeous!)

                                          Clyde Grammon seedling

I have seen some really special seedlings and introductions from across the country on Facebook.  Here are a few more:

                                          One for the Ages (Petit/ Goff)

              Rich Howard seedling (Waggle Dance X Cosmic Blast) Awesome!

                            Claudia Conway seedling (Moriah X Compass)

 Mona of Gascone (Gaskins) Photo by Edvinas Misiukevicius. This one has awesome plant habit as well.

                       Marvelous in his Eyes (Tim Bell) Photo by Jacob Henry

                                                Bill Maryott seedling

                       Louisiana Morning (Jeff Salter) Photo by Patrick Guidry

I know I probably forgot some, but this is a great sampling of what's out there. All photos are the property of those people above and use without prior consent is prohibited.  Thank you all for sharing. Some very special daylilies and I am excited to see some of these bloom in my garden this summer. Next segment will feature green throated daylilies.  I don't have quite as many pictures to share, but still some fabulous advancements.  Stay tuned.

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