Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Daylily seedlings from the summer of 2021

Paul K. Lewis seedling

Paul K. Lewis seedling

I didn't know what to expect from the summer of 2021 since I had had so many problems with the deer the previous year. I had spent a lot of time researching deer netting and getting the right posts and during the months of May and June I erected a really nice 7.5 foot fence around the front.  I also did the same for the back area and despite some minor problems with the city I live in, I was able to leave it up and enjoy the daylilies without any interruptions from the deer. It hasn't been completely perfect because I have had problems with skunks digging up some seedlings, but a heck of a lot better than last year.  I was very pleased with how nice some of my seedlings turned out, so without anything further, enjoy the picture show:  

Paul K. Lewis seedling

Paul K. Lewis seedling

Paul K. Lewis seedling

Paul K. Lewis seedling

Paul K. Lewis seedling

Paul K. Lewis seedling

Paul K. Lewis seedling

Paul K. Lewis seedling

Paul K. Lewis seedling

Paul K. Lewis seedling

Paul K. Lewis seedling

Well, we are off to another great start to the blog season.  I am still collecting pods and probably will be until October.  However, I hope the next segment to be my annual segment on striped and stippled daylilies.  I have several interviews lined up and other great segments so stay tuned.  Hope you all had a nice summer. 

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