Mike Derrow seedling T18-63. Most unique flower I have seen in a long time.
Mike Derrow seedling T18-63. (Ashwood Summer Sunshine X Moriah)
Ron Reimer diploid seedling. Amazing Ron!
Ron Reimer diploid seedling.
Facebook gives me a chance to see daylilies I wouldn't typically see if I just used pictures from my garden. To me these daylilies above really made me stop and gaze with amazement. You just don't see daylilies like that every day. I also wanted to include some daylilies that I do grow that really impressed me this past year. Here are 3 from my garden that were really nice:
Richard J. Howard (Angela Ridder) The color was amazing each bloom.
Richard J. Howard (Angela Ridder) Close up on the speckling.
Richard J. Howard (Angela Ridder)
Mom's Kind Heart (Chad Bush) Nice lovely tall scape and a color that draws you in.
Mom's Kind Heart (Chad Bush)
Dreams Come True (Mark Carpenter) A very unique pattern. Different pattern every day. Highly recommended. Set pods.
Dreams Come True (Mark Carpenter)
Dreams Come True (Mark Carpenter)
Just a quick sampling of some really special daylilies. Not certain what the rest of the month holds, but I can tell you I plan a segment on patterns in March and of course my annual segment on Curt Hanson's new intros, so stay tuned!