Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dave Mussar's new introductions

     One thing I like to do with my blog is use it to bring any newly introduced daylilies to your attention.  Recently I was looking on the lily auction and saw that Dave Mussar from Guelph Ontario, Canada was introducing some really cool daylilies.  The one that caught my attention is the one that he is naming after his mother, Rosemary Mussar.  I have featured photographs at the top of the page that Dave has shared with me.  All I ask of my fellow daylily lovers is to not re post any of these photographs without Dave's permission.  The cross for Rosemary Mussar is Bryan Culver's Rose Electra X Brother Charles Reckamp's, Heavenly Pastel.  What a beautiful blend of colors!  Nice job Dave! 
     Dave says on his website that he has been hybridizing for 13 years and his original goal was to create a spotted daylily.  Well it looks like after all that hard work Dave has achieved that goal, and that is the other daylily I am featuring today, Spots before my eyes. (photo at the bottom of the page.) The cross for Spots before my eyes is Steve Moldovan's Seurat X David Kirchhoff's Goldmist Red.  Both of these daylilies along with several other introductions can be viewed on Dave's website which is  Hope you enjoyed these daylilies and I hope everyone is doing well.

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