Sunday, August 5, 2012

23 days of 90 degree or above temps this summer.

     My southern friends might say 23 days of 90 degree temperatures is a normal summer for them, but here in Ohio we only average 9 days of 90 degree temperatures each summer.  23 is ridiculous.  The record, which was back in 1988 is 34 days.  I remember that summer.  It was my second year of my landscaping business and I'm surprised I didn't give up on it for good.  I guess I like being outside too let's move on to more positive stuff, such as daylilies.  I had the good fortune to stop over my friend, Curt Hanson's daylily garden this past week and got a lot of great pictures of some of his daylilies.  At the very top of the page is Curt's new intro, Van Gogh's Ear.  Great sculpted daylily!  Right below it is a really cool new toothy daylily of Curt's called Celestial Virgins.  Love the color. Photographed in my garden at the bottom of the page, at the top is Stamile's intro Picotee Prism, one of my favorite of the prism introductions.  Below it is this massive golden yellow daylily that is a seedling of Judy Davisson's.  She sold it to me on the lily auction and is considering introducing it.  I think she should.  It is a nice addition to the late season and the blooms are massive measuring about 8 or 9 inches +!  You can see how big it is compared to the 6" bloom of Late Round, which is to the left.  Hope you folks are staying cool!

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