Well, it ain't over yet. In fact I have some seedlings planted along the fence and some are throwing their first scapes which is kinda cool this late in the season. I was going to write about more of the late season bloomers, but I think I'll save that for next week and feature some more of the new stuff in bloom around here. At the top of the page you can see I have dug out a large portion of the seedlings in the front yard. You will also notice we have our house up for sale. It's kinda tricky trying to sell a house with a yard full of daylilies out front. If I had my druthers, I'd rather have them all transplanted somewhere else, and have grass there, but my wife and I have found that we can't buy another house until we sell this one first. Anyway, the picture below it is of all the scapes I pulled and put on a tarp. That is always a back breaking job, but the front yard looks better without the dead scapes sticking up. At the top of the bottom of the page is a seedling of mine from the cross of Pathway to paradise X Best Edge. Nice thick gold edge that opened well. The middle picture at the bottom of the page is Rose Sensation a nice flower from Pat Stamile, and the picture at the very bottom is Carpenter's Summer Snowball. It's still hot and dry here in Ohio. Hoping for some rain and cooler temps. Have a nice week folks.

Sunday, August 26, 2012
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Some of my favorite late season daylilies.
Was out digging the reject seedlings again today. I've been lucky two weekends in a row having temps in the 60's and 70's with overcast conditions. I'm starting to make a little headway. Anyway on to one of my favorite subjects....the late season of daylily bloom. We always refer to peak bloom in the daylily world as the time when most all of our daylilies are in bloom. It is a wonderful time, no doubt, but when we would get past that season, there used to be a month of just looking at our seed pods and dried up scapes...not anymore. I feel very fortunate to be located so close to Curt Hanson and have had the luxury of seeing his daylilies at all times of the year. Those of you who don't know Curt probably aren't aware of what wonderful late season daylilies he's hybridized in recent years, but I am here to open your eyes to some of his best tonight. At the very top of the page is The Dream Society. This is a welcome color addittion to the late season which is dominated by yellows and golds. The Dream Society is this wonderful shade of blue purple. Right below it is his pink daylily Long Live Love. I don't have a photograph handy, but let me tell you this daylily in branched like an oak tree. Both daylilies are pollen and pod fertile and I would consider them to be in the "very late" season category. At the top of the bottom of the page is a clump shot of Curt's Afterglow of Love, which has been stealing the show out at the front of my property. And below that is an old favorite called Sandra Elizabeth, hybridized by Don Stevens back in 1983. I hope to feature a few more lates in my next installment. Thanks for checking in.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Time to dig the reject seedlings and some late season bloom.
Well, thank goodness for a very timely cool down complete with a good dousing of rain. It just so happened that I had to start digging my reject seedlings.....of which there are plenty to dig. The temps dipped down into the 60's and 70's and it was over cast. Ideal temps for digging for long stretches of time. It is hard labor, no getting around that. I've heard of some hybidizers roto tilling their rejects. I get that this might be a simpler way to get it taken care of, but I'm still only 49 and I've seen my old neighbor Curt Hanson, who I believe is in his 60's, digging a seedling field larger than mine in 90 degree temperatures. Watching how hard Curt works inspires me to work harder. So today I got a large portion of the front yard dug. You can see in the picture at the very top of the page, the beginnings of my digging. The picture right below it is of some pods I set on Dan Hansen's Robin Lee. It's extremely fertile. If you get a chance to get Robin Lee, don't pass it up. It's a very impressive rose red daylily.
The late season has begun in my garden. Most of my daylilies are bloomed out, so it is nice to see the lates doing their thing. I decided to post one of the nicer lates. In the middle of the page is Curt Hanson's Sky Captain. Lovely TALL pink tet. with a nice long bloom season. On the lower right I had to post a seedling of mine. The cross is Linda Agin's Bitten Agin X James Townsend's Silver Shark. I bought the seeds for this seedling on auction and am surprised to see such a unique flower bloom from the cross. I believe this seedling is blooming out of season because it is a one year old seedling. On the lower left is Pat Stamile's Crowning Fire. Wow, what a great red! It is on it's re bloom scape right now. I hope to do a more in depth write up about the late season daylilies, because I've left a few of the good ones out, not on purpose of course. Happy gardening.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
23 days of 90 degree or above temps this summer.
My southern friends might say 23 days of 90 degree temperatures is a normal summer for them, but here in Ohio we only average 9 days of 90 degree temperatures each summer. 23 is ridiculous. The record, which was back in 1988 is 34 days. I remember that summer. It was my second year of my landscaping business and I'm surprised I didn't give up on it for good. I guess I like being outside too much....so let's move on to more positive stuff, such as daylilies. I had the good fortune to stop over my friend, Curt Hanson's daylily garden this past week and got a lot of great pictures of some of his daylilies. At the very top of the page is Curt's new intro, Van Gogh's Ear. Great sculpted daylily! Right below it is a really cool new toothy daylily of Curt's called Celestial Virgins. Love the color. Photographed in my garden at the bottom of the page, at the top is Stamile's intro Picotee Prism, one of my favorite of the prism introductions. Below it is this massive golden yellow daylily that is a seedling of Judy Davisson's. She sold it to me on the lily auction and is considering introducing it. I think she should. It is a nice addition to the late season and the blooms are massive measuring about 8 or 9 inches +! You can see how big it is compared to the 6" bloom of Late Round, which is to the left. Hope you folks are staying cool!
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