Larry Grace seedling and a Shallow Ford Daylily Farm future introduction. Photo courtesy of Tabatha Gilyard. You buy this daylily soon from shallowforddaylily.com |
Mike Derrow seedling |
Distinctive daylilies from this past season. Not as many as I have seen in the past, but still a really cool group. I collect photographs from various hybridizers on Facebook and these 5 were the best.
Rich Howard seedling (Greetings Earthling X Shaggy Pumpkin) |
Elaine Seifert tet. seedling
Tadeusz Kotula seedling from Rybnik, Poland |
Truly amazing daylilies. Well, my season is winding down. I haven't posted as many segments this season because of a busy work schedule, but I'm not done yet. I hope to post a segment on cristate daylilies next. Stay tuned.