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David Evick seedling (Stone Palace Showtime X Seedling B-14) X Stone Palace Streaker (Evick) |
Laurelwood's Painting By Number (Angela Ridder) |
Striped daylilies have become a category that keeps growing and growing. With so many people out there hybridizing for this look, there have been some really cool advancements. We are seeing striped daylilies with teeth now and striped double daylilies. A couple future striped intros sold on the Lily Auction for $2900. Holy COW! Striped daylilies are hot! I have a pretty big collection of photographs to share with you, so let's start out with my friend, Angela Ridder:
Laurelwood's Painting By Number (Angela Ridder) |
Laurelwood's Peppermint Splash (Angela Ridder) |
Half Moon Rising (Angela Ridder) |
Angela Ridder 8.5" inch seedling |
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Angela Ridder seedling (Richard J. Howard X Block Party) |
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Laurelwood's Candy Cane Splash (Angela Ridder) |
Angela Ridder seedling |
Paintball Party (Angela Ridder) Photo by Peter Donato |
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Chillin with my Gnomes (Angela Ridder) |
And now some from David Evick:
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Stone Palace Streaker (David Evick) |
David Evick seedling |
David Evick seedling |
David Evick seedling |
David Evick seedling |
And now some from Stuart Kendig:
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Stuart Kendig seedling 20-18 (Explosion in the Paint Factory(Howard) X (EITPF X Helena's Fire)) |
Stuart Kendig seedling 20-11 |
Whose Broad Stripes (Stuart Kendig) |
Who's Broad Stripes (Stuart Kendig) |
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Thirsty Thursday (Stuart Kendig) |
One from me:
Paul K. Lewis seedling out of Rich Howard (Kendig) |
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Panning For Gold (Mike Holmes) |
Panning For Gold (Mike Holmes) |
Redefinable seedling (Mike Holmes) |
Redefinable seedling (Mike Holmes) |
Redefinable seedling (Mike Holmes) |
Mike Holmes seedling |
Mike Holmes seedling |
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Striped Action seedling (Mike Holmes) |
And now a seedling from Jeff Vitale:
And now some intros from Nicole DeVito:
Nicole DeVito future 2023 intro |
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N is for Nichole (Nicole DeVito) |
Nicole DeVito 2023 future intro |
And now some from Valentina Gripas from Kherson, Ukraine
Valentina Gripas seedling |
Valentina Gripas seedling |
Valentina Gripas seedling |
And now the amazing program of Rich Howard!
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Starman (Rich Howard) |
Rich Howard seedling (Sunny with a chance of wine X Starman) |
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Sunny with a chance of Wine (Rich Howard) |
Rich Howard seedling (Colorful Chaos Princess Leia (Bush) X Blame it on the Rain (Harris)) |
Rich Howard seedling |
True Sadness (Rich Howard) |
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Rich Howard seedling (Cactus Black X (TPS X TYPS)) |
And now some from my friend, Dave Mussar from Canada
Dave Mussar seedling (Spots Before My Eyes X Undefinable) |
Dave Mussar seedling (Beholder X Undefinable) |
Dave Mussar (Explosion in the Paint Factory X Wacky Wednesday) |
Dave Mussar seedling (Flying Trapeze X Wacky Wednesday) |
Dave Mussar seedling (True North My Heart X Explosion in the Paint Factory) |
Dave Mussar seedling (Undefinable X Dandelion Fluff) |
Dave Mussar (Clear Conscience X Explosion in the Paint Factory) |
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Dave Mussar seedling (Lady Barbara X Wacky Wednesday) |
And now some from Judy Sparrow Sweeney
Addie's Raspberry Splash (Judy Sparrow Sweeney) |
Sheherazade (Judy Sparrow Sweeney) |
Alice's Paintbox (Judy Sparrow Sweeney) |
Sonja's Tiki Party (Judy Sparrow Sweeney) |
And now some assorted other hybridizer's seedlings:
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Paul Van Mechelen seedling |
Paul Van Mechelen seedling |
Robert Scott seedling 2267 |
Undi Pants (Licia Smith Babb) |
Steve Todd seedling |
Shallow Ford's Pseudo Melanistic (Larry Grace/ Tabitha Gilyard) Photo by Steve Todd |
Andromeda Galaxy (Chad Bush) |
Grogu (Chad Bush) |
Now to one of my favorite categories of striped daylilies. Striped sepals. Usually found on purple backgrounds, but I know of some seedlings in this category are emerging in other colors. Steve Todd started this style of breeding with his intro, Clown Pants. From Clown Pants many very cool seedlings and intros have emerged. Let's begin with Steve's Clown Pants, followed by some of his AWESOME seedlings:
Clown Pants (Steve Todd) |
System of Equations (Steve Todd) |
Steve Todd seedling |
Steve Todd seedling |
Steve Todd seedling |
Steve Todd seedling |
Steve Todd seedling |
Steve Todd seedling. I love everything about this one! |
Steve Todd seedling |
Steve Todd seedling |
And there have been some intros from other hybridizers with this look:
Just Clowning Around (Dave Mussar) |
Jeff Vitale seedling |
Wallingford Flame Thrower (Rich Howard) |
Laurelwood's Purple Cabana (Angela Ridder) |
Well, there you have it. I probably could have divided that segment up into two parts and might do that next year. It seems each year there are more and more striped seedlings and intros. This category of daylilies has gotten very popular. I know there are some hybridizers that I may have forgotten and I apologize. It wasn't personal. I just got such a huge amount of photographs that I had to stop at some point. I hope to include more in this segment next year and the looks continue to evolve. Not sure what is up next, but I have a new idea that I may try out. Check back in. Thanks for stopping by.