Unexpected Grace (Subhana Ansari) Photo by Rita Mallon
Solomans Sunrise (Subhana Ansari) Photo by Jerry Pillow
I have always enjoyed Subhana Ansari's introductions, so it was way over due that I do a question and answer segment with her. Here is our visit with Subhana and some pictures of her lovely seedlings:
1. When did it all start for you with daylilies? Subhana: It started in 2006, and it's been in 5 locations. (Subhana currently resides in Pinole, California) It started 20 minutes away from Bill Maryott. I moved to take care of my mother when she developed Alzheimer's. I had my seedlings a long drive away from where she lived, over half an hours drive to the coast to one location, and twenty minutes drive to a horse ranch where I had the other seedlings. They did not get viewed as regular as I would have liked.

3. What are some of the challenges you have faced? Subhana: We have cool coastal weather in Central California. I attempt to test my seedlings where there is "real climate" to see if patterns show when it stays hot, and if they survive when it gets seriously cold. Also, do they have adequate bud count and branching? Are they fertile? Are they distinctive? Do they keep what made them interesting the first year, and in later years? Finally, do they open flat?

4. What are some of your favorite daylily introductions of others? Subhana: My favorites of others would include: Tully Mars (Hansen), Zyzzified (DeCaire), Four Beasts in One (DeCaire), Yumph (DeCaire), Ticklish (DeCaire), Cowboy Blues. Waves of Joy (Trimmer), Angel Love (Trimmer), Positive Introspection (Hansen), Whale Tails (Hansen), Tattoo (Hansen), Tessa Ann (Hansen), Victoria Gardens Heavens Applause (Brooker), Geneva Afterburner (Hansen), Fried Rice (Hansen), Fossil (Hansen), Children Playing (Hansen), Yoga Man (Hansen), Happy Energy (Hansen), Jurassic Park (Maryott), Outer Space (Maryott), Shake Rattle and Roll (Emmerich), Xylophone Jazz (Stamile), Tricolor (Stamile), Marina del Ray (Pierce), Venetian Pools (Pierce), Blue Jay Holiday (Pierce), Control (Townsend), Peace Pattern (Lambertson), Rippling Ripples (Lambertson), Four Eyes (Lambertson).

Solomon's Sunrise, Awake Until Dawn, If It Be Your Will, Idiosyncrasy, Contrapuntal, Eyes of the Beloved, Rivers of Kisses, Do What You Love, General Perplexity, Unexpected Grace, Secret of Secrets, Infinite Mystery, Dance Me to the End of Love (not official yet).
Here are some of Subhana Ansari's seedlings for you to enjoy:
Subhana has used the daylily, Tully Mars (Dan Hansen) a lot and here are some intros from it:
Thank you Subhana for this opportunity to see your program up close. There is a part 2 you can see if you keep scrolling down which has more pictures of her intros. All pictures are the property of Subhana Ansari and use without prior consent is prohibited. You can see more of Subhana's intros at http://www.flourishingdaylilies.com/ Thanks for stopping in. Next up will be a visit with Clyde Grammon of Louisiana. Happy Gardening!