Crintonic Gardens, seedling field, photo taken in May 2016. (photo courtesy of Curt Hanson)
Crintonic Gardens, seedling field July 2016.
Having the opportunity to photograph Crintonic Gardens and the daylilies of Curt Hanson on a regular basis has been a blessing over the years. The photographs I will share below are of
the culmination of 30 to 35 years of hard work Curt has put into this beautiful property. I mainly show the daylily garden, but there is so much more to Curt's property. He grows so many different perennials, shrubs, and trees. It seems as if there is something in bloom every month of the season. Here are some of the pictures I have taken during peak bloom:
July 4th, 2016. Daylilies and hybrid lillies
are just starting to come into bloom.
July 16th, 2016. You can see things really get
going in mid July.
Seedling field in August. Curt's program has
a good variety of earlies, mids, and lates.
Fresh seedling field, planted and mulched.
Those daylilies will be mature in 2 years.
View of the guest house. Curt takes the
daily blooms in there to harvest pollen.
Peak bloom, July 16th, 2016.
October 28th, 2016. Fall settles in on
Crintonic Gardens. What a difference.
July 2012, photo of Curt's pond. We had a
drought that year. Water levels were low.
July 2016, history repeats itself. Another dry
summer and the water levels were similar to 2012.

Curt has been building retaining walls and terraces in his spare time each fall after he is done with his peak daylily season. He has finished up most every part of his property and the results are amazing. It has been many years in the making.
I hope you enjoyed this visit with Crintonic Gardens during peak bloom. To view Curt's new intros, log on to Thank you for checking in. I hope to feature more garden pictures from other folks gardens in the next installment.