Well, still enjoying my late season here. The re bloom this year is probably a result of a very early spring and the daylilies had extra time to get going. I'm seeing even more scapes coming up. Don't know if they will make it to their first bloom, but here's hoping.
Got a weird situation developing with regards to my home situation. It would seem a house has come on the market that my wife and I thought was sold, but has come back on with a lower price. We are making an offer on it tomorrow. If our offer is accepted, I have the herculean task of trying to move my entire daylily collection to the new house in Chesterland, Ohio, which is about 10 minutes from where I live now.
I'll be closer to my old friend Curt Hanson, and living in a home with more space for my daylilies. Hopefully things will work out, but you never know in the world of real estate. Crossing my fingers here.
Anyway, let's show you what's going on here. At the very top of the page there is a picture of some seedlings I've lined out in the front yard. I have some mature daylilies on either side, but the seedlings would grow in the rows I've planted. I do have a problem with finding space for things as you can see. Right below it is a re bloom of Stamile's Fringy. Multiple blooms on this scape today. At the top of the bottom of the page is a nice extra late old fashioned orange called Ali Baba. It usually has masses of orange blooms. Very dependably extra late. Below that is a nice re bloom from Larry Grace's Full of Treasure, one of my favorite green edged daylilies. At the very bottom is a late bloom from Blue Rhino, from Guy Pierce. I got Blue Rhino as a bonus plant and can't wait to use it next year. Too late to make crosses at this point since the pods won't ripen in time before the first frost comes and puts an end to the daylilies growth. Such is life here in Ohio. Well, it will be an interesting week...that's for sure. Happy gardening!