Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dan and Jane Trimmer's daylily garden

      Of all the daylily hybridizers I've come in contact over the past 8 years down in Florida, Dan and Jane Trimmer have been some of the nicest folks I've had the pleasure of knowing.  Back when I placed my first order with the Trimmers, I would change my mind a lot before the order was dug.  I think the first year I called Dan and changed my order several times.  Dan was always very patient and made sure I got exactly what I wanted.  Over the years Dan has always been very helpful pointing me in the right direction with what fertilizers to use, showing me what works for him with his hybridizing, and even sitting down with me and talking to me a week after he had heart surgery.  That was very kind.  Some folks would have said come back some other time, but Dan could tell I was very eager to learn about daylilies. 
      I've really enjoyed the Trimmer's daylilies and wanted to include some pictures of some of my favorites today.  At the very top of the page is a row of Dan's 2011 intro, Sun Giant, a really cool patterned daylily.
  Right below it is Jane Trimmer's 2009 intro, Firebird Suite, which is a nice size bright, glowing orange/red daylily. At the bottom/top of the page is one of my favorite Dan Trimmer introductions from 2010, Calamity Jane. I set a lot of pods using Calamity Jane this past year.  At the very bottom is a photograph of Dan's patterned seedling out of Tet. Texas Kaleidiscope, which is featured inside in 2012 catalog.  When visiting Florida, you have to stop by and see the Trimmer's daylilies, perhaps the nicest folks in the daylily world.

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